Meetings in Lithuania: support for Ukrainian cadets

This week, the MTWTU is holding meetings with cadets of the Kherson State Maritime Academy, who are also studying at the Lithuanian Maritime Academy.

The event was joined by second-year cadets as part of the MTWTU's joint project with the ITF Seafarers' Trust and first-year cadets with the support of Wilson, as well as other Ukrainians studying at LMA.

Work with youth is one of the Union's key activities. For several years, information meetings for cadets and students of maritime educational institutions have been held at the MTWTU office. Particularly, the Union regularly keeps in touch online with the cadets of the KSMA, who are studying for two diplomas: Ukrainian and Lithuanian. This time, the MTWTU visited Lithuania to personally communicate with the cadets and answer important questions.

The MTWTU continues to move together with young people from their first professional steps, support their educational process and provide new opportunities to achieve career goals.

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