"The missile exploded 500 metres from our vessel"

The story of a crew member of the ship PINOCCHIO, which was attacked by Houthis

On 12 March, Yemeni Houthis fired missiles at the Liberian-flagged container ship PINOCCHIO (IMO 9400112) in the Red Sea.

Two anti-ship missiles were fired at the vessel from Yemen. There were no casualties as a result of the attack, and the vessel was not damaged.

At the time, there were four Ukrainians on board, including a MTWTU member, with whom the Union was in touch.

"Two shots were fired in our direction. The first was about 80 miles from Yemen, when we were in the Red Sea. The missile did not reach us and exploded 500 metres away. "The military contacted us, confirmed the attack, and we started zigzagging," says the sailor. "A fighter jet was sent up in the sky, and later a warship joined us for escort. We moved at different speeds. From the moment of the first attack, we manoeuvred through the Red Sea, the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, and 14 hours later, a second missile was launched at us. The military shot it down right in front of us. All the time we were moving along Somalia to avoid being hit by missiles."

The sailors were discharged in Oman, the ship was boarded by Russians and Pakistanis, and it set off on the return route.

In turn, the MTWTU once again draws the attention of seafarers whose vessels are sailing to the Red Sea.

▪️ The conditions for the IBF's High Risk Area for the Southern Red Sea and Gulf of Aden include the right of seafarers to refuse to enter this area with repatriation at the company's expense and compensation in the amount of two months' basic salary.

▪️ The compensation does not apply if the seafarer is transferred to another vessel owned or affiliated with the same owner/manager, with the same position, salary and all other conditions. During the transfer, the seafarer will not lose income or rights, and the company will be responsible for all expenses, including accommodation during the transfer.

▪️ Seafarers must notify the decision to repatriate 7 days prior to entering the at-risk area, given the logistical constraints of the passage and the difficulty of facilitating disembarkation at a safe port and repatriation in the area.

▪️ In the event that a vessel that had not planned to pass through a high-risk area but is instructed to do so within the seven-day warning period, seafarers have the right to refuse to enter the area, be repatriated at the company's expense and receive compensation of two months' basic salary.

For more information, please visit our website: https://mtwtu.org.ua/en/news/spilna-zaava-miznarodnoi-federacii-transportnikiv-ta-spilnoi-peregovornoi-grupi

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