The MTWTU took part in the SEKO Maritime Section Congress

The MTWTU took part in the Congress of the Maritime Section of the SEKO sister trade union (Sweden). The leaders of this trade union were among the first to support the MTWTU since the beginning of Russia's aggression.

In his speech, Oleg Grygoriuk, MTWTU Chairman, spoke in detail about the Union's work in the war, the difficulties faced by Ukrainian transport workers and how we are overcoming them with the solidarity support of international partners.

Thus, SEKO provided financial assistance to the MORTRANS Welfure Fund, which was aimed at supporting the Union members who found themselves in a difficult life situation. In addition, in December last year, the MTWTU members from among the crew of PJSC Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company received food packages from the MTWTU with the support of SEKO.

Kenny Reynolds, a good friend of our Union, was elected as the Chairman of the SEKO Maritime Section. Oleg Grygoriuk congratulated his colleague on his election and presented him with a commemorative plaque.

We are grateful to our brothers and sisters from Sweden for their words and actions towards Ukrainian transport workers.

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New opportunities for maritime transport workers

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