Busy school holidays for children of Izmail port workers

Holidays are not only a time of rest from school workloads, but also a period of exciting adventures and cultural enrichment. Thanks to the initiative of the Local Trade Union Organization of the Izmail Sea Commercial Port, the port workers' children were able to enjoy bright activities aimed at their development and fun.

Throughout the week, the Children's Kingdom became a real center of attraction for young guests, offering a variety of entertainment programs that included active games, dancing and friendly competitions. Every child was able to find something to their liking, and happy smiles and cheers accompanied them throughout the events. The young audience was impressed by the performance of The Little Prince, based on the work of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. This event was not only entertaining but also educational, giving children the opportunity to reflect on the eternal values of friendship, loyalty, and love. Another important area was sports recreation. After successful swimming courses last year, this year the children were able to go to the swimming pool on their own. Which was a great opportunity to improve their health and develop their physical skills under the supervision of their parents.

"I will not stop repeating that our children are our future," said Oleg Paskalov, Head of the Local Trade Union Organization of the Izmail Sea Commercial Port. "Therefore, taking care of them has always been among the priorities in our work and is of particular importance now, during the war. We try to organize as many opportunities for recreation and rehabilitation as possible for them so that they can have more joyful moments in their childhood."

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