EU Extends Naval Operation Combating Piracy off Somalia

The European Union has decided to extend its Naval Force Operation Atalanta off the coast of Africa for two years despite the removal of the designation of a piracy high risk area for Somalia and the region of the Indian Ocean. The EU military maritime operation will now run until December 31, 2024.

“Piracy originated in the Western Indian Ocean has been suppressed thanks to the continued presence and effort of naval forces, as well as the action of the private sector and a solid commitment to the implementation of ship security measures by shipping and fishing companies,” EUNAVFOR said in its statement

As piracy declined off the coast of Somalia, some legislators in the country have been arguing for an end to foreign naval operations. Instead, the leaders called for evolving the international efforts to focus more on reinforcing the Somalia Coast Guard and the National Navy.

“Capitalizing on the successes of suppressing piracy off the coast of the Horn of Africa and Somalia, the overall mandate of Operation Atalanta was consolidated. With this mandate, Operation Atalanta is now in a better position to contribute to the implementation of the UN arms embargo on Somalia, reduce drug traffic, support the ongoing fight against Al Shabaab and its funding stream, and the progress of the government of Somalia,” the European Council wrote in a statement.

The extension also incorporates other EU initiatives in the Horn of Africa and Somalia including, EUCAP Somalia, the EU’s capacity building mission, and EUTM Somalia, the EU’s military training mission. Collectively, these initiatives are anchored under the EU’s Common Security and Defense Policy.

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